Sunday, August 24, 2008

How it all began...2006

Just weeks before my wife's very first Mother's Day, she nonchalantly told me she loved the cakes off of a Mrs. Field's catalog we got in the mail. I flipped through pages of beautifully decorated hat box style cakes complete with ribbons on top. Nice enough, I thought. After all, this is her very first Mother's Day, it should be special...memorable. I glanced down at the price for one of these highly decorated, special occasion cakes. $70. FOR A CAKE!! I thought to myself...I could make that! So, off I went to the local craft store to start this easy enough project. Strolling up and down the cake decorating aisle, I had no idea it would involve so many tools and gadgets to get started. All I can say is that after purchasing all that was needed to duplicate the hat box cake, not to mention all the hours of hard labor, which by the way I was doing with our 3 month old, $70 would have been the easy way out! All the while, I was keeping this a surprise. Well, surprised she was...shocked to say the least! The funny part was, I really had fun designing and creating this (hopefully) look-a-like Mrs. Field's cake. After all, I had always enjoyed working with my hands. Shortly after sharing my whole decorating experience with my wife, the wheels in her head started turning. The very next month on Father's Day, my wife told me to get in the car and she drove me to the very same craft store I had purchased all the cake decorating supplies. With an ear to ear grin she handed me an envelope. Upon opening "my gift" I was a little surprised/humored/oh geez! She had signed me up for Cake Decorating Classes! Wait till the guys at work hear about this...

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